MOFET’s Publishing House

The MOFET Institute’s Publishing House is a ”niche publication” – the only one of its kind in Israel that specializes in education and teacher education. Its activities are part of an overall endeavor to enhance the role and status of teacher educators not only as professionals in the field, but also as knowledge creators in their area of expertise.

Every year the publishing house publishes about 15 books; 3 issues of MOFET’s refereed academic journal ’Dapim’; and 4 issues of a non-refereed quarterly magazine that facilitates an open dialogue among professionals in teacher education.


Most of the books are written by teacher educators who teach at Israeli Academic institutions. They are all refereed by external experts in the relevant fields, and are published both in printed and digital formats.


A refereed journal that aims to promote theory, research, and practice in education, in teaching, in teacher education, and in the professional development of teacher educators. The purpose of the journal is to encourage theoretical and practical study and discussion on a variety of educational issues.

The Quarterly Magazine:

A non-refereed E-Journal that offers a dialogue platform for teacher educators from both Israel and abroad and for educational policy makers who seek to exchange opinions and share their professional experience in the field. Each issue focuses on a relevant dilemma or topic that is tackled from different angles.

In addition to this, the Publishing House also offers two, free of charge, unique online academic content portals on teacher training and teaching. The portals (in English and in Arabic) are for the use of all researchers and educators around the world.

Subscribe to the Portals’ monthly newsletters and join our growing global professional community! To the Portals

Do you work abroad?

How can you make the most of The MOFET Institute’s publishing platforms?

You may submit original and new texts (In English or Arabic) that were specifically written for publication in the portals. These texts will be published if approved by the Portal’s editorial board and found both relevant to teaching and teacher education, and in accordance to the professional and academic standards required. For additional information please contact us at

You may also submit relevant articles in Hebrew for review and publication in Dapim. In the case of a book, written in English, that make a unique contribution to the topic of teacher education, its translation into Hebrew and publication will be considered.

For more information, questions and suggestions for collaboration, write to us:

Dr. David Rotman, Head of the Publishing House
Hanni Shushtari, Coordinator of the Publishing House
