‘Reshit’ – Communities of Home-Room Teachers

“Reshit” a program for home-room teachers – forms a qualitative safe space that affords learning, collaboration, conceptualization and creativity. The community enables its members to discuss, study and share challenging day-to-day contents as well as aspirations for fulfilling the potential of their role. The community has become extremely acute nowadays with the dynamic and constantly changing reality caused by a world pandemic.

The goals and anchors of the program include:

  • Building a community – building trust, communication and a framework for study and collaboration.
  • Personal-professional development – a process of home-room teacher getting to “know oneself”: Developing personal resilience when facing challenges and professional dilemmas, and strengthening a reflective point of view.
  • Here and Now – ongoing involvement with experiences in the field. Locating needs, problems and challenges and finding answers within the community.
  • Developing the role of home-room teacher – significance, identity, values, ethics and its derivatives.
  • Practical research – seeking solutions for everyday challenges while fine tuning excellent practices using various research methods from different fields.
  • Advancement of equal opportunities.

The program offers access to experts in unique content and inspirational personalities, study-tours and workshops all in response to needs brought up by the community members.

We operate three types of communities:

  • School communities – planted deep in the heart of the schools. Their work is motivated by joint experiences of both the teachers and the management.
  • National communities – located in the north, south and center of the country. These communities are comprised of excelling home-room teachers with vision and with motivation to teach, to develop, and to have an impact on the development pf their profession and on the designing of their role.
  • Local authority communities – connecting schools within an authority. These communities are connected by context and by the work of the entire authority, with an emphasis on equal opportunities and fulfilling potential.