Leading Teachers

‘Hshkafa’ focuses on developing a new professional culture based on teachers’ learning communities guided by leading teachers

‘Hashkafa‘ – a comprehensive national process aimed to improve the quality of teaching and learning through change in the culture of teachers’ professional development.

The sharing of knowledge, experience, insights and resources, through various means of communications, offers extraordinary possibilities to create fruitful communities and a pedagogic dialogue. These communities form connections between people as well as between theoretical and practical knowledge, and thus promote common and shared “teaching wisdom” for improving the quality of teaching and learning.

The PLCs work within the schools, and focus on specific disciplines or common pedagogic areas. Together, and under the guidance of leading teachers-peers, they share their professional experience and thoughts, conduct research, and develop teaching methodologies that are connected to the school and classroom space.

The aspiration is that over time each school will create an intermediate leadership level to lead research projects, pedagogical analysis and planning, and will build a culture of learning, togetherness, and creativity alongside the school management.

Our main objectives

  • To establish an effective system of professional development led by teachers;
  • To improve teaching practice;
  • To improve students’ learning and achievements

If you wish to learn more about this project or to discuss possible collaborations, please write to us at: hashkafa@macam.ac.il
